My Identity vs. God’s Identity for Me

A young couple in Florida recently attended a seminar for expectant parents. The instructor explained, we can tell you the sex of your child before it is born. But you will not be able to determine the gender of your child for several years.

Our culture is being pushed to accept and embrace the belief that every person has the right to determine their own gender. If you disagree with their viewpoint you are labeled as a bigot.
Children are being taught to determine what is right for themselves. A key part of this process is to assess your feelings. Feelings have been elevated to the ultimate test of truth. If one has always felt a certain way, then you have no right to challenge their beliefs.

So how should Christians respond to this assault on God’s view of truth? Going to war against those who disagree with us is not going to win them over. Instead of trying to get them to embrace our views, we need to challenge them to discover what is God’s identity for them.
Too many Christians categorize sexual sins—from normal to really terrible. But in God’s eyes, sin is sin. Satan really does not care which kind of sexual sin you are vulnerable to. Any sexual temptation that one gives in to is a win for him.

We are going to see more young people coming our way who have been involved with sexual activities that we would label as sin. Is your goal simply to get a homosexual to become a heterosexual? Is that God’s primary goal?

Our goal should be to guide them into God’s view of truth so they can discover what is God’s identity for them, and then establish a daily lifestyle that is consistent with what Scripture teaches. This does not mean we embrace what our culture demands of us. Romans 12:2 says, “Don’t let the world squeeze you into its own mold, but let God remold your minds from within, so that you may prove in practice the plan of God for you is good, meets all his demands and moves toward the goal of true maturity.” (JBPhillips)

We must find creative ways to communicate God’s love to those who come to us. How can we be like the Holy Spirit and guide them into all truth?

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Connect to Each Other

God Others the Need the Legacy In the previous two newsletters we discussed two CONNECT points – connecting to God and connecting to others. In