If you agree that prayer is an important part of your daily walk with Jesus, then how do you keep if from simply being a box you check off on your To-Do list for the day?
John Benton spoke at a TC conference on how he wrote books on the lives of TC graduates. He said, “Every day when I sit down to write, the first thing I do is pray and ask God to help me.” He made prayer more than a box to check off.
As you face each day, what are the key tasks that you face? How can you make prayer a more integral part of your work? Perhaps you can be intentional to stop and breathe a silent prayer to God, asking for his wisdom in this activity.
A retired missionary friend of mine takes this a step further. Every time we visit, he asks, “What can I pray with you about?” Then right there, no matter where we are, he prays specifically for that need. His prayer leaves me with a meaningful memory of our conversation.
So what memories are you leaving with those you encounter today?