22 Phrases that will make your donors feel needed and appreciated

  1. You helped us achieve this, (name)
  2. Through your kindness today, we can. . .
  3. You make turnarounds like this possible.
  4. You help us keep that hope alive.
  5. Without you, we could never have achieved so much.
  6. There is hope. . .and that hope is you, (name).
  7. You have the power to change all of that.
  8. You know what it’s like when. . .
  9. You gift will save/change a life.
  10. Please will you help me, (name)?
  11. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your support for our life-changing work.
  12. Have you ever felt. . .
  13. If only you could have seen the joy on her face.
  14. You made my day!
  15. Can you imagine. . .
  16. All of this happens because of people like you, (name).
  17. I want to share an amazing story with you today.
  18. I think you’ll understand. . .
  19. Please will you do that for someone like. . .
  20. I promise you that your money will. . .
  21. I urgently need your help.
  22. Thank you.

Use these phrases often; you want your donors to feel needed and appreciated. You want them connected to your ministry and your students.

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