The skills this curriculum teaches provide basic building blocks to healthy relationships which build social success in the home and beyond.

Socialization Skills

1.  Establishing Appropriate Eye Contact
2.  Understanding Hearing, Listening, Attending
3.  Conversing

1.  Using Appropriate Humor in Conversation
2.  Disagreeing Respectfully
3.  Resolving Conflict
4.  Remaining Calm

1.  Introducing Self and Others
2.  Living With Good Manners
3.  Showing Respect

1.  Reading Emotions
2.  Persuading Others
3.  Demonstrating Appropriate Affection During Conversations

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Healthy Relationships

"Hiding From Love" by John Townsend

Many people that come into Teen Challenge experience emotional injury, fear, shame or pride and their first impulse is to hide the hurting parts of

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